Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Overview of My Short Practicum

Hi, Everyone I am Aa little late to post this on my blog, but still there you go.

What I learned in my Short Practicum This is very exciting that it was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn and explore about the actual school system. My school advisor is a caring person. She was there on the very first day to recieve me. It was a warm, pleasant welcome for me. She introduced me to everyone.
Most fascinating event:
In class , her organisation is amazing, she is cooperative and concerned about the learning of students. She is well prepared for her lesson plan ahead, which gives you time to prepare more about yourself. She also provided me opportunities to observe other different classes as well. I have learned about different kinds of learning environments through visiting different classes. I have attended parent teacher meeting with her, it was wonderful when she was introducing me with parents. She always provide with me a wonderful and valuable feedback through positive outcomes.

Assesment Project

Hi, Susan This is Darshan I am in Rong and Prem's group, please check my group's posting there. Thanks.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Two-column problem

It was not possible to put through scanner to post my problem on Blog. I am very sorry about that inconvenience.
So the two- column problem is to provide a number choice for the player to win 31 as a total from both players' choices.
So for player 1, 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 and he starts at 1. and take one more round to get another 15 and ends at 1. His toatl is 31. So for the first player the best choice is 1. And
for 2nd player the choice left is to start at 2
and his toatl is 2+3+4+5= 14 and aother round is 14 and it becomes =28 and he will add 3 or 2 in his tatal the he will get either 1 less or = 31. And his choice seems also sustainable.
Now if he starts at 3 then 3+4+5 =then again he will get 3 less or 2 more in his choice.
So by looking at the problem we can see the try and guess straegy may work if your guess works well for the first time and you want to try another different number also.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Reflection about Richard R. Skemp Article

Reflection on the skemp article:
This article gives an explanation to the term 'Faux Amis" whic means words are very alike, but their meanings are different. The author gives an explanation through the example of word 'Histoire' and 'story'. One is a fiction while the other one is a fact. In the same way in mathematics the word 'understanding' is connected to two different meanings. One is 'Intrumental understandin' and the other one is 'Relational understanding'. The first one is understanding without reasons and second one is understanding through reasons. While these two methods of understandings have their own benefits:
Intrumental Understandings is easy to understand, rewards are immediate in this understanding, and less knowledge is involved.
In relational understanding students are more adoptable to new tasks, easier to remember, relational knowledge can be effective as a goal, and relational schemas are organic in quality.

So i think they both have their advantages and disadvantages, but logical and reasonable knowledge will stay and play with a student forever.

Reflection about Skemp Article

Timed writing Reflection and poem about Zero

Timed writing Reflection:
It is a good exercise for warm up as well as to introduce a new topic. It has its own strengths and weaknesses also.
-gives quick ideas to write.
-think and write at same time
- components of the topics are concrete and scrutinize through first thinking first writing
-gives clue to make a web for a broaden topic
-many ideas from other people
-enhancing knowledge

-time pressure
-no structure for writing
-frustration and which creates a lack of thinking ability
-think and write at the same time some time dosn't work
Overall it is a really an enjoyable exercise which can create a settled down behavior for a class. I like it because it prepares our brain to start thinking about somethin which is away from our brain.

Poem about Zero:

Knowing about Zero

tells us about nothing

on the other side of the coin

nothing is everything

0% financing will entice the consumers

but producers will attain a capital

zero has an ability to make a number big or small

having zero on L.H.S. of the number doesn't make any difference

But R.H.S. with Zero gives a distinction to a number.
