Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Favorite Math Teachers and reflection

I have two math teachers who are memorable. One is my high school math teacher. She taught me all those algebric expression and equations in a procedural and organisational way which helped me take math as a major subject in university. Second teacher, who is memorable is my university math teacher. She taught me for four years. All my knowledge in math concepts is developed through his teachings. I was the top student in my university due to his teaching. She encouraged me to do math and apply math. doesn't matter it is an algebra, calculus, or arithmatic. That's why math becomes my favorite subject.

Reflection on Article
The author of this article is telling about own teaching experience. The author is describing that when location was changed for teaching, everything was new for her teaching. The motto of the new school was different from the old one. The author was used to teach through lecture method, problems were given, students were able to perform well. However, students were not able to perform well in final examinations. Even an intelligent student was not able to perform well. The author was using the text book mostly, and not open to use other resources and research work for class. The Robinson realised that there must be something important for research work. The the author reflected the picture of teaching practice, and made some changes in her teaching technique, implemented them, and assessed them through the results of students. After changing the techniques the performance of students was different. She compared it compared it through the assessment of students. What i have learned from the article is new tecnology is giving you a new path for you profession. Just try to intouch with the technology which is availbe. Try to apply in differet way so that maximum potentiality can be taken out from the technology.

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