Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Summary and Reflection

Summary of Battleground schools
This article is about the oscillation of mathematics education between two edges. This battle was occured in three periods. The one was the progressivist for mathematics through activity and inquiry and the second one was the New Math reform movement. The last one is "Math Wars" based on NCTM Standards from the 1990 to the present. There were diffrent types of concepts regarding math. the examples were like these that math is hard and not interesting to do it. The others were used to call the teachers who like math nerds and unadjustable with world. On the other hand, some teachers were not with math background and they have a phobia of math. Then twentieth-century mathematicians thought that something sholud be done towards the attitude of learning math. There was a reform movement in mathematics education. John Dewy differentiate between the terms i.e. knowing and doing and he introduced the process of experimentation. New teaching techniques were introduced. In the earlier stage of progressive time John Dewey's suggestions were not accepted but after that a great accecptance was given in progressive time. the new math was introduced. School Mathematics Study group took the intiation to work strongly on to the new math. then soon NCTM joined to them. This New Math movement is diffrent from the progressive one. The New Math expected that every student will be a scientist. But now in these days math is under wars. NCTM has many standards to teach math. It has been said that conservative attitude was given to students. So article also relating math education towards media and schools. That is a wonderful idea.

Reflection: I think article is giving as a tremendous and valuable information about the history and growthof math education. Before it was not as much growing as it is today. So it means it has gone through some growing and changing information. and change is our social need, it is reflected through our daily life activities. We perform the activities throgh our daily life activities. this article has a temting information which can reflect us to learn and listen. The three periods in which math has gone through are described through this writing.I came to know that how math education is playing role for our life.

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